Program: Community Cares Homeless Shelter & Extreme Weather Shelter

The Community Cares Homeless Shelter and Extreme Weather Shelter Program supports people who are homeless with no safe place to go. Shelter Program is set-up to provide food, shelter and laundry services to homeless people in our community. Shelter hours vary depending on time of year and funding. It is currently opened Monday to Sunday. In Extreme Weather Shelter is opened 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. All services offered are free. The Shelter Program is designed to support people who are needing a safe place to stay while homeless. Shelter is monitored through open hours.

Depending on funding availability Shelter Residents can access:

  • Food and other essential supplies such as, personal hygiene products
  • Laundry facility, clothing and footwear
  • Referrals to other social, health, and economic programs and supports
  • Connection of shelter residents to Lillooet Friendship Centre Society’s Program Coordinators and Counsellors when ready to work towards change

The Shelter Support Worker also works with individuals who are faced with imminent homelessness or who are homeless. Shelter worker can; act as a liaison, provide up-to-date information on rental properties in Lillooet, make referrals to different agencies that can also support shelter residents as they work towards securing shelter and a source of income over the long term.

Lillooet Friendship Centre Society would like to THANK the businesses and
members of the public who have donated to the Lillooet Friendship Centre’s Shelter (Extreme Weather Shelter) Program. Your contributions have made a positive impact on this program. Making Good Things Happen Within Community!

Funded by:

Lillooet Friendship Centre Society